Company of heroes veterancy guide
Company of heroes veterancy guide

company of heroes veterancy guide

They differ from the standard mortar units that can be built by offering a larger range of fire, more damage, and extra abilities, such as the 4.2-inch Airburst Barrage that deals massive damage. This unit is four-man strong, with two operating the mortar gun, and two others providing protection. The ML 4.3-inch Heavy Mortar Team is a unit wholly unique to the British Forces, and is part of the Indian Artillery Battlegroup, which is an ability tree of sorts you can work through with Commander Points earned in real-time battles. They are potentially the most powerful defensive infantry unit for the British Forces, and with some savvy manoeuvring, you can use them to cover enemy choke points and lay down suppressing fire as your other units move in. Secondly, they have the ability to suppress enemies, which causes them to drop into a prone position and stops them from being able to move or use abilities unless they retreat. Firstly, they do tonnes of damage and can quickly take a whole infantry unit or even a light vehicle out quickly. Their biggest strength comes in their ability to cover a 100 degree area and fully protect it from infantry.

company of heroes veterancy guide

It's a four-man unit where two of them operate a powerful stationary machine gun, and the other two defend, taking over duties if one of the gunners dies. Machine Gun teams have always been super powerful in the Company of Heroes series, and it remains the same for the Vickers Machine Gun Team in this game. Lastly, they have the ability to equip flamethrowers when upgraded, which can decimate an infantry unit without any cover. It's also worth noting that they can repair vehicles, buildings, and bridges, which is imperative for staying in the fight. This makes them brilliant whenever you are on a defensive mission, and they are masterful at making capture points more secure. One of their best aspects is that they can build defences, such as sandbags, barbed wire, tank traps, and even anti-infantry and anti-tank mines.

company of heroes veterancy guide

The Royal Engineer Section is a powerful and versatile infantry unit that provides a lot of support benefits to the rest of your army, while also putting out some pretty good damage to enemy infantry.

Company of heroes veterancy guide